
Club Rules for Visiting Societies
- You will require a list of names of the persons in your party, as they are granted temporary membership of Auchterarder Golf Club for the day of their visit.
- Balance of Green-fees to be paid to the Professional before commencing play.
- Cancellation of the booking must be made at least 4 weeks prior to your visit, otherwise deposits are forfeited.
- The Caterer / Professional must be notified of final numbers at least one week prior to your visit, otherwise reduced numbers will result in loss of their deposit.
- Four-Ball Stroke-Play is only permitted at the discretion of the Professional.
- The wearing of Denim Jeans, Football / Rugby type shirts and shorts, vest-type shirts, and track suits are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN ON THE COURSE. Shorts, if worn, must be tailored.
- The use of mobile phones is strictly forbidden in the lounge areas of the clubhouse and on the course.
- Excess consumption of alcohol is prohibited. Any visitor in obvious breach of this rule will be refused access to the course and asked to leave the club.