1.1 The organisation shall be called The Auchterarder Golf Club, hereafter referred to as “The Club”.
2. 1 The Club is a non-profit making unincorporated entity, dedicated to providing affordable golf, leisure and social activities to Club members from the community of Auchterarder and surrounding areas.
3.1 Club Committee
3.1.1 The management of the Club shall be vested in the Club Committee with the legal accountability, delegated power and authority to manage the Club’s business, subject to the
Club’s Constitution, the Club’s associated Processes, Procedures and any external legislation covering non-profit making organisations.
3.1.2 The Constitution set out by the Club Committee shall be endorsed at a General Meeting of the Club and be binding on every Member of the Club and Staff until set aside or altered by the Club Committee for endorsement at a General Meeting of the Club.
3.1.3 The Managing Secretary or his/her designated representative shall receive and disburse all monies due to and by the Club, collect entry monies, subscriptions and other dues of the members, ensure correct accounts and book-keeping records showing that detailed financial interactions of the Club are accurate and up to date.
3.1.4 The Club Committee shall ensure that accounting records shall be kept in accordance with all applicable statutory requirements and such accounting records shall contain entries
from all day to day sums of money received and expended by the Club. The matters in respect of which such receipt and expenditure take place will form a record of the assets and
liabilities of the Club.
3.1.5 The Honorary Treasurer, Accounting personnel and Managing Secretary shall prepare annual accounts in compliance with all relevant statutory requirements. An Annual Statement of Accounts, duly certified by the Club’s external examining Accountants shall be provided to each Voting Member at least fourteen days before the date of the Annual General Meeting (AGM), with a copy posted on the clubhouse noticeboards and website.
3.1.6 The Accounting, Auditing and Banking arrangements shall be such as the Club Committee shall determine from year to year.
3.1.7 All profits or surplus generated by the Club activities shall be devoted to the maintenance or improvement of the Club facilities and set aside for such purposes in the accounts and capital expenditure plan.
3.1.8 The Club Committee will present an outline capital expenditure plan, in words, planned for the forthcoming financial year, making potentially available capital assumptions from variable income generated from all sources generated from golf and social purposes.
3.2 Selection of Club Committee
3.2.1 The Club Committee shall comprise of at least 4 full Voting Members and a maximum of 9, each of whom shall have been a “fully paid up” member of the Golf Club for a minimum of three years.
3.2.2 Members of the Club Committee shall be elected by the Voting Members at the AGM of the Club to hold office for a minimum of one year or such other period as he/she may be
appointed for by the Voting Members.
3.2.3 The 2 longest serving members of the Club Committee shall retire by rotation at the AGM every year but can offer themselves for re-election.
3.2.4 Upon expiry of their term of office a member of the Club Committee standing down shall only be eligible for automatic re-election if no other candidate is nominated.
3.2.5 Vacancies occurring on the Club Committee during the year may be filled forthwith and the members of the Club Committee so appointed, shall serve until the next AGM.
3.2.6 A Member that wishes to stand for election as a member of the Club Committee shall submit notice of his/her intention to stand for election for a vacant role by written application to the Managing Secretary & Club Captain by no later than 28 days preceding the AGM. The application shall be placed on a list of all Members intending to stand for election, which will be placed on the Clubhouse noticeboards. The list shall also be sent to Voting
Members with the Annual Report.
3.2.7 The Captain and Vice-Captain shall be Office Bearers and members of the Club Committee. They will be appointed biannually at the AGM. Nominations for these positions must be completed and returned to the Managing Secretary and Captain no less than 28 days preceding the AGM.
3.2.8 The selection of Captain and Vice-Captain will be endorsed by the Club Committee.
3.2.9 The Ladies shall elect their own committee(s), shall arrange their own competitions, and submit a report on their activities to each meeting of the Club Committee. Their Captain shall be elected at an annual meeting of the section and shall be the nominated representative on the main Committee from the Ladies Section. If the Ladies Captain has to step down in the course of the year, an alternative shall be elected by the Ladies’ Committee
and the new Ladies Captain shall attend Club Committee meetings until the following annual meeting.
3.3 Office Bearers
3.3.1 The core voting members on the Club Committee shall act as Office Bearers for a minimum of two years and shall consist of a Captain, Vice-Captain, Honorary Treasurer and Greens Convener, supported by other Committee members, dependent on the number of required roles to ensure the smooth management and operation of the Club.
3.3.2 Any Office Bearer or Club Committee member who has a relative, business partner or associated person acting under the direction of anyone associated with the Club who receives emoluments e.g., a salary, fee, or profit from employment or office based on the turnover of any aspect of the Club activity, shall declare a conflict of interest and sign a declaration of disclosure stating the conflicting element and disassociate themselves from
involvement of said conflict.
3.3.3 Subject to their agreement to serve, the immediate Past Captain shall be invited to serve on the Club Committee after vacating the role of Captain, either in a vacant Office Bearer role, Committee role or in a non-voting capacity role.
3.3.4 The Club Office Bearers and Committee shall be elected from the Membership and endorsed by the Members at an AGM.
3.3.5 The Managing Secretary, or such other person as the Club Committee may choose, shall act as secretary to the Club Committee, with no Committee voting rights.
3.3.6 Office Bearers cannot be employees of the Golf Club.
3.4 Removal from Club Committee
A person ceases to be on the Club Committee if: -
3.4.1 They cease to be a Voting Member of the Club.
3.4.2 They are removed from the Club Committee by a vote of the Voting Members at a Committee Meeting of the Club.
3.4.3 They fail to attend three consecutive meetings of the Club Committee and the remaining members of the Club Committee determine that he/she should be removed from the Club Committee.
3.4.4 They give notice in writing to the Club Committee that he/she resigns his/her position as a member of the Club Committee.
3.4.5 They bring the Club into disrepute or acts in a manner that is not befitting of member of the Club’s Committee.
3.5 Club Committee Powers
3.5.1 To enter into all such contracts and other arrangements as may be appropriate in connection with the activities of the Club.
3.5.2 To carry out activities of the Club and anything which may be incidental or conducive to the furtherance of the Club’s aim.
3.5.3 To acquire and take over the whole or any part of the undertaking and liabilities of anybody holding property or rights which are suitable for the Club’s activities.
3.5.4 To purchase, take on lease or under a licence, hire, or otherwise acquire, any property or rights which are suitable for the Club’s activities.
3.5.5 To improve, manage, develop, or otherwise deal with, all or any part of the property and rights of the Club.
3.5.6 To sell, let, hire out, license, or otherwise dispose of, all or any part of the property and rights of the Club in accordance with its aim.
3.5.7 To borrow money and to give security in support of any such borrowings by the Club of any obligations undertaken in support of any guarantees issued by the Club.
3.5.8 To employ and manage staff that are considered of good character, skilled and competent for appropriate roles within the Club’s functional departments.
3.5.9 To engage and commission, such consultants and advisers as are considered appropriate from time to time.
3.5.10 To effect insurance of all kinds (which includes, office bearers’, committee members and employee liability insurance) across all areas of Club operations.
3.5.11 To temporarily invest any funds which are not immediately required for the Club’s activities in such investments as may be considered appropriate until required for the good of the Club’s facilities and infrastructure.
3.5.12 To establish and review appropriate Process and Procedures covering the management and operation of the Club.
3.5.13 The Club Committee shall be indemnified by the Club Insurers from the funds against all liability on costs, charges, damages, and expenses which they may incur or sustain in or
about the making of any contracts or agreements which they shall bona fide make on behalf of the Club, or in furtherance of the objects thereof. Examples, but not limited to: -
• Public liability
• Office Bearers' and Committee indemnity
• Asset or contents insurance
• Event-specific insurance
• Volunteer protection
3.6 Sub Committees
3.6.1 The Club Committee will have the power to appoint sub committees to assist with Strategy and Policy decision making on behalf of the main Club Committee.
3.6.2 The Club Committee will have the power to appoint convenors to lead/chair Club sub-committees.
3.6.3 The Terms of Reference, purpose and reporting structure of each sub-committee will be agreed by the Club Committee.
3.6.4 All sub committees are accountable to the Club Committee and may comprise of non-Committee members.
3.6.5 The Club Committee will agree the delegated authority that will be allocated to each sub-committee.
3.6.6 Membership of a sub-committee is restricted to Voting Members of the Club
3.6.7 Sub-Committees can invite non-members and/or specialist advisers to attend meetings.
3.6.8 Sub Committees may choose to use any E tools appropriate to consult and communicate the activities of the group’s objectives.
3.7 Club Committee Meetings
3.7.1 The Captain shall act as chair at all Club Committee and Club Meetings, or in his/her absence the Vice-Captain, or in his/her absence an Office Bearer/Member of the Committee.
3.7.2 At all Club Committee and Club meetings, the Chair of such meetings will have a casting as well as a deliberate vote.
3.7.3 At Club Committee meetings, a minimum of four Committee Members shall form a quorum.
3.7.4 There will be a minimum of five Club Committee meetings held throughout the calendar year, not including the AGM.
3.7.5 The Managing Secretary, when requested by at least three members of Club Committee, shall call additional Committee meetings.
3.8 Annual General Meeting
3.8.1 The AGM shall be held in a suitably practical format in November of each calendar year where the Managing Secretary shall submit a report on the general affairs of the Club and the Honorary Treasurer shall submit a Statement of Accounts, duly examined and reported by a Chartered Accountant.
3.8.2 No rule of the Club shall be altered, or new rule made, except at the AGM, when at least twenty-five Members shall be present and vote. Any proposed amendments or items intending to be raised should be given in writing to the Managing Secretary 28 days prior to the Meeting. Such notice to be posted on the Clubhouse Notice Board for at least 14 days
prior to the AGM at which the subject is to be considered.
3.8.3 Any changes to the Constitution, Processes or Procedures must be made to the master versions within 28 calendar days of approval, with a copy held electronically within
the Members section of the Club Website.
3.8.4 The Club Committee may temporarily alter or suspend any rule, subject to the approval at the AGM.
3.9 Extraordinary General Meeting
3.9.1 Extraordinary General Meetings (EGM) may be called by the Club Committee, either on their own determination or on a written requisition to them for that purpose signed by at least twenty-five voting members of the Club.
3.9.2 At a meeting of the Club twenty-five Members shall form a quorum.
3.9.3 Notice specifying the motions to be proposed to a Meeting of the Club shall be posted in the Clubhouse, Club Website and Social Media platforms available to the Club not less than four days before the meeting.
3.9.4 A resolution accepted at the EGM shall be deemed valid when it is supported by a minimum of two thirds of those present and voting.
4.1 The Club Committee shall have the power to employ suitably qualified people to into roles to assist with the smooth management and operation of the Club and all its associated
activities. Specifically, the Club’s Committee will be empowered to recruit or sub-contract services to the following area of club operations:
- General Management/Secretarial/Administrative
- Financial Control/Financial Administration
- Course Management/Green keeping/Course development/Golf Professional
- Clubhouse Operations/Clubhouse Catering/Bar Management
- Cleaning/General maintenance
4.2 All employees will be accountable to the Club Committee and adhere to the policies and procedures that govern Club employees.
4.3 The Club Committee may choose to delegate the day-to-day management of the Club and leadership of its employees to its principal officer, the Managing Secretary.
4.4 The Managing Secretary shall take strategic direction and leadership on the overall management and operation of the Club from the Captain or Vice-Captain or in their absence, the past Captain.
4.5 Employees may provide support and assistance, on request, to the Club Committee and associated sub committees.
4.6 Employees may have a role in the Club Committee meetings but will have no voting rights on matters relating to personal terms and conditions.
4.7 The Club Committee will have the power to appoint employees on appropriate Terms and Conditions of Employment commensurate with the role.
4.8 The Managing Secretary shall ensure that all employees have appropriate job descriptions and breakdown of duties.
4.9 The Managing Secretary/Club Committee will ensure that their terms and conditions of employment are compliant with relevant employment legislation.
4.10 The Managing Secretary/Club Committee will ensure that all mandatory HSSE Training will be provided and up to date.
5.1 The heritable property belonging to the Club shall be vested in the Club Office Bearers during solvency.
5.2 No profits or surplus will at any time be distributed to members and if upon the winding up or dissolution of the club, the remainder, after satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any property shall be given or transferred to some other organisation or organisations having objects similar to the Club by a resolution passed at a General Meeting at or before the time of the dissolution and insofar as effect cannot be given to such
provision, then some charitable object.
6.1 Application For Membership
6.1.1 The total number of members, together with the Junior Section, must not exceed 750 in all, plus non-playing Associate Members.
6.1.2 Any person desiring to be admitted to the Membership of the Auchterarder Golf Club shall complete an application form. The person’s full name, designation, residence and other Golf Clubs affiliated to (stating Home Club where applicable), shall be inserted in the Application Form which shall be sent to the Managing Secretary, who shall inform the Club Committee.
The powers of admission, or otherwise, of any new members shall be vested in the Club Committee who shall be empowered to admit or exclude any or all of the applicants.
6.1.3 Membership is open to all and no application for Membership will be refused on anything other than reasonable grounds.
6.1.4 Persons who have not attained their eighteenth birthday may be allowed to become full playing members at the discretion of the Club Committee.
6.1.5 Junior Section Subscriptions will be granted to Members who are under the age of 18 on the 1st of January. All applicants must complete an Application Form and send it to the Managing Secretary.
6.1.6 All applicants for Membership shall deposit 20% of the entrance fee at the time of application. The amount paid shall be deducted from the Entrance Fee on acceptance for membership of the Club.
6.1.7 Where a member wishes to retain their continuous membership the annual subscription of an individual Member may be suspended due to a member’s inability to play golf. The member must write/email in confidence, to the Managing Secretary/Captain with details of the circumstances. Reasons considered include, but not limited to,ill health, a close family member’s ill health, temporary financial position, with each application compassionately and confidentially considered on its merit.
6.2 New Members
6.2.1 On admission, the Managing Secretary shall notify each new member requesting payment of the amount of the Subscription. No member newly elected shall participate in any of the privileges of the Club until the Subscription has been paid. Persons failing to do so within fourteen days from the date of notification shall be considered as having declined to become a member and their names will be excluded from the list.
6.2.2 New Junior Members shall be encouraged to join the Junior Section under the guidance of the Committee member
accountable for the Junior Section and Sub Committee.
6.3 Subscription Rates and Green Fees
6.3.1 The Entrance Fee for new members and the annual subscription rates shall be determined at the AGM. Bar Levy and Green Fees shall be proposed by the Club Committee following full analysis of balance sheet and future income forecasts.
6.3.2 Senior Citizens’ subscription rates (20% discount on Adult Members Rate) will be granted on application to the Managing Secretary, to persons reaching the age of 65 and
providing they have enjoyed full membership of the club for the previous 20 years. This concession will be applicable from the 1st of January following the attainment of these ages.
6.3.3 Country Membership is restricted to persons resident over 60 miles from the Club or where their job requires them to be away from home for not less than 120 days of the year. It may also be granted to students who are members and who are attending a full-time educational establishment and living away from home. Country Membership can only be held for a period of five years when a re-application must be made.
6.3.4 Country Membership subscriptions will be set at a minimum of forty per cent of the Ordinary Member subscription rate. Country Members may participate in Club Competitions providing they have an official World Golf system handicap.
6.3.5 Social Members shall be those members admitted to the Club for all the activities other than play on the Course. The subscription shall be fixed from time to time by the Committee. Social Members will be required to pay the current Bar Levy rate.
6.3.6 The Entrance Fee for New Members of the Club’s Junior Section will be at the discretion of the Club Committee.
6.4 Annual Subscription
6.4.1 The Annual Subscription becomes due on the 1st of January. Any persons failing to pay their Subscription by 1st February, will automatically result in the Member being lapsed, ceasing to be a member of the Club and thereafter will need to apply as a new member to rejoin the club if the membership is fully subscribed. No person may enter for any Medal, Club Match or Competition until they have paid the amounts invoiced by the Club in full.
Any Member wishing to continue membership that has reasonable grounds for potential late payment should engage with the Club at the earliest opportunity for confidential dialogue on a possible concession.
6.5 Resignation
6.5.1 Members wishing to withdraw from the Club shall notify the same, in writing, to the Managing Secretary prior to the 1st of February. In default they shall be liable for subscriptions for the year commencing on that day.
6.6 Honorary Members
6.6.1 At the AGM it may be desirable to elect persons considered to be of suitable standing and reputation in the light of their past services or connection with the Club. Honorary Presidents and Vice Presidents of the Club will be awarded Life Membership and as such shall be entitled to full benefits and privileges of the Club.
6.7 Temporary Members and Courtesy of the Club
6.7.1 The Club Committee may grant courtesy of the Club to persons or organisations on occasions and on such terms and conditions as may to the Club Committee seem proper.
6.7.2 The Club Committee shall have the power to grant courtesy and temporary Membership to the Club under the following conditions:
(a) To persons temporarily resident in Auchterarder or neighbourhood for 6 months who have duly applied for approval.
(b) To members of Golf Clubs or other persons invited by the Club Committee to a Club Match or Club Competition in respect of which the invitation was extended.
(c) To members of organised golf outings who have booked and pay for the use of the Golf Course and have been granted the courtesy of the Club for the day of the outing.
6.7.3 The Club Committee shall have the power to levy a Subscription in respect of granting a Temporary Membership, payable in advance. Temporary Membership shall, unless
specifically restricted by the Club Committee, entitle the grantee to the use of the Clubhouse and Facilities, including the right to purchase excisable liquor and to introduce not more than one guest, but shall not entitle the grantee to play in Club Competitions restricted to Club Members, nor to exercise any other rights associated with Ordinary Membership of the Club.
6.7.4 Temporary Membership may be terminated at any time by the Club Committee and they shall not be required to give any reason for such termination.
7.1 No notice of any kind shall be placed in the Clubhouse except by the authority of the Club Committee and/or Managing Secretary.
8.1 Alphabetical lists of Members shall be held by the Managing Secretary and lists of the Committees shall be posted online and in the Clubhouse Notice Boards, subject to Data Protection laws.
9.1 If the conduct of a anyone either in or out of the Clubhouse, shall in the opinion of the Club Committee be injurious to the character or interests of the Club, the Club Committee shall have the power to investigate the matter. On investigation, if a member is involved, the Club Committee shall have the power to suspend or terminate the membership of the Member.
9.2 The conduct of a member’s guest(s) is the responsibility of the member. All guests, by law, must be signed in the members’ guest book which is located in the Clubhouse Foyer. If the conduct of a guest, shall, in the opinion of the Club Committee, be injurious to the character or interests of the Club, the Club Committee shall have the power to investigate the matter. On investigation, the Club Committee shall have the power to suspend or terminate the membership of the Member, should their guest(s) be guilty of such conduct.
9.3 Anyone who is regarded as being intoxicated with alcohol and/or other substances and are deemed to present a risk to themselves and to others, or are behaving in an inappropriate and unacceptable manner, they will be asked to leave the Club facilities, inclusive of the Course, with an investigation instigated as per paragraph 9.1.
10.1 Members who have attained their eighteenth birthday shall be entitled to introduce Visitors to the Club at the published Visitor rate.
10.2 Junior Members may introduce visitors at the discretion of the Professional.
11.1 Should anyone, on any pretence whatsoever, wilfully deface by writing or otherwise damage or destroy Club property, such breakages or destruction of Club property caused must be at once paid for by them. Members must also pay for breakages or destruction of Club property caused by visitors introduced by them. The Club Committee have a duty to investigate the matter. On investigation, the Club Committee shall have the authority to
suspend or terminate the membership of the Member.
12.0 DOGS
12.1 General public and/or members are allowed on areas around the course with dogs, ensuring that the dogs be on a lead for safety reasons. General public should use “rights of way” or paths where possible and respect Golfers whilst they are in play.
12.2 No dogs shall be brought into the Clubhouse, with exception to assistance dogs.
13.1 No excisable liquor shall be sold or supplied in the Club premises to any persons under the age of 18 years.
13.2 Adherence to applicable laws, licensing terms and conditions must be adhered to, with accountability delegated to the Premises’ Licensees.
13.2. No member of Staff, Office Bearer or Committee Member shall have any personal interest in the sale of excisable liquor therein or in the profits arising from such sale.
13.3 Excisable liquor shall only be sold or supplied during the permitted licensing hours as stipulated by the appropriate licensing Court from time to time.
13.4 The Club requires at least 25 Members to be properly constituted for the sale of excisable liquor.